Monday, 21 April 2008

An update

Everyone must be wondering what has happened to the updates that came around so regularly, and since Chloe was born there has been nothing to speak of really. Well, that is because spare time has been very scarce, and motherhood has been a very tiring, daunting, and yet amazing experience.

Chloe has been growing quickly and is almost 6kg already, and at 11 weeks I think she is doing very well, according to the clinic sister. She is also beginning to get really cute, "talking", and smiling and generally making it harder to not fall in love with her. She is really developing a personality that matches her irresistible looks. She has managed to charm most people who have seen her, and even people walking past in the shopping centres can't resist a closer look. She does have her mothers dislike for the camera, and it is hard work to get even a little smile out of her when taking pictures, but I have managed one or two, but, I have yet to capture the full smile that I get in the mornings, usually in the middle of her feed and then it is all over. She won't eat after that, because she is too busy chatting and making my heart melt.

She will be going for her 10 week jab this week, and I'm hoping that it will be alright, as last week she was so miserable when I was at the clinic we decided against giving it to her. She didn't seem to react too badly to the first one at 6 weeks, which was a relief, and I am hoping that it will be the same this time around. She is also on formula, and I am no longer breast feeding, for my sanity and also because in about a month's time I will be back at work, and I can't imagine trying to express milk in the bathroom at the office and then having 40 odd people checking out the milk in the fridge there. Formula is just easier.

Other than that, all I can say is that NOTHING can ever prepare you for motherhood, and how all consuming it is, and how hard it is. All the stories and advice etc, aren't even a speck on the screen when you are in the situation, and to all the moms-to-be reading this, it's worth every second, but it is the toughest job you will ever have!