Monday, 25 May 2009

Babies and ear infections

So, Chloe and I have been pretty sick for the last week and a bit, and now Paul is getting the same thing, which isn't great. Chloe has an ear infection in BOTH ears! And the second one got infected while she was on antibiotics. So anyway, I have made an appointment for her to see and ENT specialist to find out if she needs gromits, and hopefully get to the bottom of all the infections.

I am really stressing about it though. I am already at the operation stage and thinking about my poor little baby with needles in her arm and oxygen masks on her face, in that cold operating theatre, scared and no Mommy there to be with her. I guess though, if it will help her in the long run not to get so sick all the time, but as mother you always worry about your children.

I will post again as soon as I know more, and after the appointment on Wednesday.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Rower skiet Ermelo-sakeman, buit rou vleis, skootrekenaar

Apr 30 2009 08:56:54:723PM - (SA)

Willem Pelser

’n Sakeman van Ermelo in Mpumalanga is Woensdagaand vir ’n klein sakkie rou vleis en ’n skootrekenaar voor sy familie doodgeskiet terwyl hy besig was om sy winkel te sluit.

Mnr. Ernest (Ernie) van Schalkwyk (66) het binne minute gesterf nadat hy omstreeks 20:00 met ’n .45-kaliber rewolwer geskiet is.

Kapt. Danny Schmulian van die Ermelo-speurtak het gister gesê ’n rower het Van Schalkwyk genader toe hy sy winkel gesluit het en geld gevra. Van Schalkwyk se vrou, dogter en blinde skoonseun was by hom.

Toe Van Schalkwyk sê hy het nie geld by hom nie, het die rower hom in sy regterarm geskiet sonder om ’n woord te sê.

Hy het die skootrekenaar en die sakkie rou vleis wat die skoonseun by hom gehad het, gegryp en gevlug.

Die polisie en ’n ambulans is ontbied, maar hulle kon niks vir Van Schalkwyk doen nie.

Schmulian het gesê die koeëlpunt is deur Van Schalkwyk se regterarm en het in sy rugstring vasgeslaan.

Die koeëlpunt het erge inwendige bloeding veroorsaak nadat dit ook sy een long se hoofslagaar getref het, het Schmulian gesê.

Volgens hom het die polisie eers vermoed Van Schalkwyk is weens ’n hartaanval dood omdat hy onlangs ’n hartomleidingsoperasie gehad het, maar ’n lykskouing gisteroggend het gewys hy het weens die koeëlwond gesterf.

Schmulian het gesê die polisie is besig met ’n grootskeepse soektog na die aanvaller, maar die ondersoek word belemmer omdat Van Schalkwyk se familie nog te getraumatiseer is om oor die voorval te praat of om ’n beskrywing van die moordenaar te gee.

Die polisie wou gister op versoek van die familie nie die name van Van Schalkwyk se familielede bekend maak nie.

Volgens kapt. Carla Prinsloo, polisiewoordvoerder op Ermelo, is die familie nog te ontsteld om met die media te praat.

Van Schalkwyk was die eienaar van die Netpark-kafee op die dorp. Hy en sy familie het Maandag sy 66ste verjaardag gevier.


Last week, Wednesday night at 10pm, I received a phone call to say that my uncle had been shot dead, outside his shop.
On Thursday morning, I learned all the details. It was an armed robbery, and the guy shot him in the chest, with my cousin's 3 year old son holding his hand. My uncle ran back into the shop with Jaydee and pressed the panic button. My aunt and cousin were both in the shop at the time of the incident.
The funeral will be on Wednesday this week, and I can't believe that in an instant, life can be so devastated and because of the greed of one human being, so many lives can be shattered. It is so bad, that my gran doesn't want to live any longer. She is one of the strongest women I know, and now her life isn't worth living any more.
My uncle was a hard worker, ran his own business, he was a butcher. Now, all I have are memories and regrettably not enough of them.