I meant to post these pictures yesterday, but didn’t get a chance, and plus one was taken on the way home.
The grey clouded one was yesterday morning. They were the most fascinating clouds ever, and then on the way home, the sun set was awesome, so I figured I would capture that as well.
The weather has taken a very cold turn here and we are all freezing (in Durban, 11 deg C is freezing), and dressed up in our winter woolies. That should last about a week and then we will be back into the swing of warm sunny days again.
There are 5 more sleeps till we leave for our holiday and looking forward to it immensely. Two weeks away from the hustle and bustle of life, and into the hustle and bustle of nature. I do know that it will be freezing in the berg, and not the “Durban freezing” either. The good and proper kind. I just need to remember some lip ice so that my lips don’t end up looking like they are a hundred years old.
Last weekend, was a bit of a blur for me, but nothing terrible or anything. The Super 14 Rugby final was on Saturday, and after and awesome game, the Bulls beat the Sharks by a point or two, I wasn’t paying terribly much attention, however, I must give credit to the guy who scored the last try, it was splendid! It was a great game to watch, and probably all too stressful for most of the country. On Sunday we went to the Bot Gardens to have a farewell picnic for our friends Linda and Gareth, who have moved to Pietermaritzburg. We will still see them, so it was just a get together more than a final farewell. It was stinking hot, and there was also a berg wind which just made it hotter. But, but the evening, it had cooled somewhat, and by Monday morning, the jerseys were being tried on to make sure they fit.
The grey clouded one was yesterday morning. They were the most fascinating clouds ever, and then on the way home, the sun set was awesome, so I figured I would capture that as well.
The weather has taken a very cold turn here and we are all freezing (in Durban, 11 deg C is freezing), and dressed up in our winter woolies. That should last about a week and then we will be back into the swing of warm sunny days again.
There are 5 more sleeps till we leave for our holiday and looking forward to it immensely. Two weeks away from the hustle and bustle of life, and into the hustle and bustle of nature. I do know that it will be freezing in the berg, and not the “Durban freezing” either. The good and proper kind. I just need to remember some lip ice so that my lips don’t end up looking like they are a hundred years old.
Last weekend, was a bit of a blur for me, but nothing terrible or anything. The Super 14 Rugby final was on Saturday, and after and awesome game, the Bulls beat the Sharks by a point or two, I wasn’t paying terribly much attention, however, I must give credit to the guy who scored the last try, it was splendid! It was a great game to watch, and probably all too stressful for most of the country. On Sunday we went to the Bot Gardens to have a farewell picnic for our friends Linda and Gareth, who have moved to Pietermaritzburg. We will still see them, so it was just a get together more than a final farewell. It was stinking hot, and there was also a berg wind which just made it hotter. But, but the evening, it had cooled somewhat, and by Monday morning, the jerseys were being tried on to make sure they fit.
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