Friday, 31 August 2007

A moment of Crisis... writers block!

Tell me what do you do when you sit down in front of your computer, or wherever you plan to write and then...?  Exactly, nothing.
I thought hanging the washing that has finished would help a little, but... nope, still nothing.  I mean, how can you follow up something as exciting as the spider story?
I was really getting excited on Wednesday morning, BabyBlue was checking out the nest box again.  I have taken Greenie out the cage, as she was causing a problem, not letting Baby near the box, and BlueBlue was very happy to have company again.  I was really hoping to get home in Wednesday evening to find Baby "missing" and sitting on some eggs.  But, no luck, she still doesn't want to hang out in the box, so I'm starting to think I should take the thing out the cage now, and let their lives get back to normal.  But, then you have the dilemma of, what if she was about to lay some eggs, and now I have taken the nest away... what will happen to the bird?  So I will leave it a while longer and see what happens.
This week has been interesting in it's own way.  I was offered the option of buying a second hand pram, with snug 'n safe / car chair for a reasonably good price.  The chap who offered it to me, said that it was in good condition and said that he would bring it for me to see, which was great, as it is always nice to see what you are going to buy, especially if it is second hand, and it was in amazing condition.  I think they may have cleaned it, because there was no way that there had been a child using it for about 9 months before I got to see it.  Anyway, the biggest concern was whether it would fit in the boot of my car, which I found out today that it does, like the boot and pram were made for each other.  Amazing really.  So I said that we would take it.  So as of next week we will be the proud owners of a pram and snug 'n safe.
Oooh, my new photography book arrived, and I was very excited about it.  It is a stunning book, on wedding photography, and I would love to be able to use some of the stuff I have learnt about in the book at a wedding, but those seem few and far between... but I will remain strong and keep believing that I will get the weddings that I am hoping to get, and be able to photograph the memorable day for the special couple.  I may have to embark on a business-card-on-windscreen mission and try and get some business that way. (Thanks Gareth for the action plan!)
Another thing that dawned on me this week, was that I am sick of the overload of information about what you should and shouldn't do, eat and shouldn't eat, what kind of delivery you want etc, etc about being pregnant.  Yes, there are things that need to be taken into account, but at the same time, being pregnant is a wonderful time of being a living, breathing incubator, for a very special person that will become part of your life, for the rest of your life, and you have to be careful during this time, but to avoid any manner of anything, just in case, is going overboard.  Then you may as well just lie in bed for the entire time, and become a blob.  Let's just say that all that came from feeling totally overwhelmed with the information overload and also being sick of the information overload.  So I have decided not to research everything possible, and stay as healthy as I can, enjoy the pregnancy, and not let the rest of the world take the joy away from what I am experiencing.
Speaking of which, I read today that our baby is about 190g now, and apparently very active (surprise, surprise).  I am waiting to feel the first flutters, which they say you can start to feel from about now... 18 weeks... but, if I don't feel anything, then I will just continue to be happy.
Well, that brings to an end this writers block edition of Happy Day.  Hope you enjoyed the chit chat, as opposed to exciting stories.  Till next time!
"Yesterday is history.  Tomorrow is mystery.  Today is a gift.  That's why they call it the present."
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Friday, 24 August 2007

Insey Winsey Spider...

Oh my gosh!!! Last night, while I was getting ready for bed, I had an encounter with one of the biggest spiders I have EVER seen. Now, I have only ever had two previous encounters with this kind of spider (who knows what it was), neither of which I had to dispose of them.

OK, so the picture you can see is after vast amounts of insecticide have come in contact with the poor spider. On a normal, not pregnant, day I would have caught it, and disposed of it outside, but being nervous of being bitten by an unknown, large, furry spider i had to go the bug spray route. It was in the doorway to the bedroom, so it gave me a huge fright anyway. I got the bug spray and sprayed it, after which the friendly spider ran under our bed. My dear husband, said that there was no way that he would go to bed until it had been removed... so gingerly I had to search for the bugger under the bed with a torch, and found it. It was not happy being in the spotlight so it started to move. I shouted for more ammo but my trusty side kick was somewhat slow on the reloading and I almost lost the target, but I did manage to get it just before it ran behind my side table. Tracking it again, it went under the bed again, and I had to search under the bed again with the torch, but this time it didn't shy away from the light, and I watched the poor thing suffer as the poison slowly killed it. I feel terrible killing it, but, at the same time, I was sure as nuts not going to spend the night with it anywhere in the house. In fact, the thought of more running around is still at the back of my mind. So wondering around the house is a bit scary at the moment.

"Yesterday is history.  Tomorrow is mystery.  Today is a gift.  That's why they call it the present."
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Monday, 20 August 2007

Baby Swan

As promised here is the latest scan from this morning.

So far all is healthy, Cygnet is still a week bigger than the average size at 16 weeks. C was very active, and I'm surprised that I can't feel the movements yet. But Dr C assured me that it was nothing to be concerned about since normally only women in their second and third pregnancies can feel the quickening so early.

It was very exciting to see it again, and I had to book my hospital bed as well, which was somewhat exciting. At least I know I will have somewhere to sleep!

I also booked the 4D Scan for the 25th October, which is very exciting. So much to do, and remember!

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.

Friday, 17 August 2007

The funny things I have heard during my pregnancy... so far....

I had to post these strange things that people come up with during pregnancy... Things you should and shouldn't do.

~ Don't walk too fast. I was told I was walking too hard on my feet. My question is, what will happen, is the baby going to fall out or something?
~ Don't eat too much bread, it will give you a yeast infection. Still can't figure that one out. I'd imagine if I ate four loaves of bread that may happen. But four slices a day won't harm me...
~ I was told to take my belly ring out as it is poking the baby. How does it do that???
~ Don't fold my hands across tummy, it'll squash the baby. OK, it gets uncomfortable, but it's not detrimental.
~ You can't fall pregnant while breast feeding. This was priceless. One of the ladies a friend knows said this... while being pregnant with her fourth child in as many years... I think the theory is flawed.
~ Your baby is going to look like the person you fight the most with while pregnant. Priceless!
~ I can't hang the washing, if the umbilical cord is around the baby's neck it will get strangled. I can believe this in later stages, but not before 12 weeks....
~ I was shouted at for sitting on the floor. Most comfortable place to sit I recon.
~ And my favorite...Are my organs feeling squashed? I'm carrying small at the moment, in fact, some of the ladies here at the office are upset with me, because at 4 months my belly is still smaller than theirs. Someone asked me if my insides were feeling squashed at all. I feel pretty normal, no feeling of constriction really. A friend said...(jokingly of course) maybe the child is an introvert!
~ Oh, and the last one... so far... If you drink Coca-Cola while you are pregnant you are sure to have a baby who suffers from colic. Now, explain that to the mothers who had zero cola while pregnant, and still had children with colic, and to the mother's who craved the stuff during pregnancy and had no colic problems at all.
~ Don't eat ice or drink cold water, it will make the baby cold and it will catch a cold... (added 04/09/2007)
~ Drinking coke and similar products will make your baby come out black / brown (added 04/09/2007)

As I hear more I'll post them. It only seems right that everyone should enjoy the laughs!

Monday, 13 August 2007

An interesting weekend

This weekend, and the public holiday for National Woman's Day (here in South Africa) on the 9th August were very eye opening.  I worked at my folk's coffee shop on Thursday and Saturday, and have discovered that eggs are not something that I like at all.  One of the waitresses opened a take-away container that had a breakfast inside, right next to me, and well, it nearly had extra breakfast added to it.  My stomach was feeling very tender for the rest of the day after that.
Friday here at work was not very exciting, with the phones and everything being super quiet.  I was very happy to go home in the afternoon.
I filled in again on Saturday and had a very tender stomach again.  Just seeing the eggs and people eating them was enough to make me feel ill.  I think the worst was when people called in for take away orders and asked for soft eggs.  in the restaurants, if you ask for soft eggs, they tend to be "snotty" as not all the whit is cooked.  I have NO idea how people actually get it down their throats, but I can tell you now, for the time being, no egg will pass these lips (except of course if it's made from chocolate around Easter time).  After work, I flew up to the Pavilion to get the Expanda Belt, which is a "belt" that you attach to your pants so that your pregnant tum has space to grow, so that buying Maternity pants isn't an immediate requirement.  Then I rushed over to the Botha's for supper, but it turned out we were having a braai.  At about 9pm Kath and I asked my husband to intervene in the braai-ing process, as the "chief cook" was too busy talking with the other men.  So we only got to eat at about 9:30pm by which time, I was almost fainting with hunger, and also feeling very nauseous from being so hungry.  I managed to get some food down my throat, when I discovered that boerewors (a South African sausage) should also not pass my lips at this time.  So Paul got to finish my piece.  I eventually fell asleep on the couch.
On Sunday we went to church, and then off to the Bluff to visit Paul's cousins for another braai for lunch.  This time we took our own meat, so I was safe with some chicken skewers.  I had a lot of salad, as that is all I thought I could get down, as it wasn't rich. Cygnet seems to be putting the brakes on what I eat these days, and it's making sure that it isn't rich, which can't be an altogether bad idea.  I feel like I am picking up a lot of weight at the moment, so I have said to Paul that I am going to be more strict with our diet from now on, and see what happens.  Although, a HUGE bowl of fruit salad wouldn't hurt right now. Mmmm....

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

It’s done!!!

As I write today’s post tears are welling up in my eyes.

I have finally taken the plunge and made my official photography website live. It has been something that I have been delaying a bit, out of nerves, and insecurity about my talents, but it is done… Obviously the site still needs some work and I have to still select some of the cream-of-the-crop images to put onto the site. That is one of the most difficult jobs, and I have so many pictures that mean so much to me. And it isn’t just the picture, it’s the memories tied up in the picture… what was happening in my life at the moment, the borderline tears while photographing couples getting married.

I have to thank Erich for all his help with getting the site up and running for me, and teaching my the world of Wordpress, and making life seem a lot easier.

Now if you don’t mind… check it out!

Monday, 6 August 2007

A round of applause please...

Today I feel pretty proud of myself... It all started a while back when I got a bee in my bonnet because the fashion in the stores is horrendous and also stupidly expensive. So I bought my mothers over locker and sewing machine from her. It was all very exciting, but nothing happened from then on. Then I decided that I would try to sew a pair of pants, which I am half way through, but decided that by the time they are finished, which would be in about a day if I sat down and focused on it, they would probably be too small, since I am making room for someone else inside my body. So that went onto the back burner. However, on Saturday I did go and purchase 2 patterns for maternity wear, the one had patterns for 6 tops, and 2 pairs of pants, and the other one has a top, a dress and 2 pairs of pants. So I think there is some variety there. Anyway, after purchasing enough fabric to sew 2 tops and 2 pairs of pants I decided to get started. By about 7pm on Saturday night, I had traced off a top, laid it out on the fabric, cut it out and started putting it all together, and I would have carried on, but there was one thing missing... Facing. I couldn't get any on Sunday so the sewing took a break. Then this morning (Monday) I went to get some facing and elastic as I forgot to get that as well when getting the fabric. I took today off to go and investigate some pre-schools for Bubs, and after sussing one or two out, I got to work on the top that was half finished. I am pleased to say that I have successfully finished it, and it looks pretty good for a first attempt at sewing. I have used the machines before, but always with my mother around to tell me what to do, so this one was my first solo project!

Now I am waiting for Peggy to get here so that we can go suss out some more schools. I wanted her input on them, as she has some idea what to look for, Lesley being the guinea pig for school hunting. I am hoping to get Bubs into Care Bears, they seem to be very organised and Close to home etc. The other one I looked at this morning which would be a second choice was alright, I liked the lady who looks after the infants and she seemed lovely. The children seemed happy enough, I was just concerned about the smelly nappy smell in the place. But, I will see what Peggy has to say. I'll be back to let you know what the verdict was, and if Bubs will be attending Care Bears next year.


If I pay R100 to Care Bears tomorrow, Bubs will be there! Yay, it was so amazing. Compared to Hatton Estate it was like comparing chalk and cheese. It was clean, professional, and the play areas were lovely. The children there all looked happy, and they really seem to love the babies. I didn't get to meet the lady who looks after them as she was off ill for the day, but I think that I will meet her tomorrow when I go to hand in the forms. Peggy was also very impressed with the school, and they also go to Grade R, which means that there won't be any need to chop and change Bubs around when it gets too old for a certain group. A lot of the babies had already been collected to go home, but the ones there were happy as anything, and the toddlers all looked very happy.

One of the nicest things about today, as all the ladies that work at the pre-schools were saying how tiny I was, and that I wasn't showing. After all the getting fat comments it was nice to hear that I was still looking small.

Thursday, 2 August 2007

Happy second trimester

Well, I am officially 14 weeks today, with 182 days to go (panic!!!) and things seem to be improving. I’m feeling much better, and I can actually stay awake the whole day without any trouble. So far things are going well, and I have started walking routinely again, which is always a good thing, but right now, eating is the last thing that I feel like doing. Now, that seems strange for me, since the general conception is that pregnant women can’t get enough food past their mouths. So, it’s interesting. But, fear not, I can see the stress starting to build up already, I am still eating, just it’s an effort.

Today, something funny happened. I decided that I would announce the pregnancy to work through our newsletter, which everyone seems to devour as soon as they know it is published. Except on person… Adam. The news has been out for about a week already and he had no idea! He found out per chance this morning when Shane mentioned that I was going to be a mommy. It was quite comical, as he was so excited about the news. I have to love Adam!

So far there haven’t been a huge amount of cravings, and the things I like most at the moment are oranges, and cheese. Thank goodness it’s only cheddar at the moment. But so far, I have had it on almost every sandwich I have eaten. Can’t be too bad though.
Well that’s me for now…