Tell me what do you do when you sit down in front of your computer, or wherever you plan to write and then...? Exactly, nothing.
I thought hanging the washing that has finished would help a little, but... nope, still nothing. I mean, how can you follow up something as exciting as the spider story?
I was really getting excited on Wednesday morning, BabyBlue was checking out the nest box again. I have taken Greenie out the cage, as she was causing a problem, not letting Baby near the box, and BlueBlue was very happy to have company again. I was really hoping to get home in Wednesday evening to find Baby "missing" and sitting on some eggs. But, no luck, she still doesn't want to hang out in the box, so I'm starting to think I should take the thing out the cage now, and let their lives get back to normal. But, then you have the dilemma of, what if she was about to lay some eggs, and now I have taken the nest away... what will happen to the bird? So I will leave it a while longer and see what happens.
This week has been interesting in it's own way. I was offered the option of buying a second hand pram, with snug 'n safe / car chair for a reasonably good price. The chap who offered it to me, said that it was in good condition and said that he would bring it for me to see, which was great, as it is always nice to see what you are going to buy, especially if it is second hand, and it was in amazing condition. I think they may have cleaned it, because there was no way that there had been a child using it for about 9 months before I got to see it. Anyway, the biggest concern was whether it would fit in the boot of my car, which I found out today that it does, like the boot and pram were made for each other. Amazing really. So I said that we would take it. So as of next week we will be the proud owners of a pram and snug 'n safe.
Oooh, my new photography book arrived, and I was very excited about it. It is a stunning book, on wedding photography, and I would love to be able to use some of the stuff I have learnt about in the book at a wedding, but those seem few and far between... but I will remain strong and keep believing that I will get the weddings that I am hoping to get, and be able to photograph the memorable day for the special couple. I may have to embark on a business-card-on-windscreen mission and try and get some business that way. (Thanks Gareth for the action plan!)
Another thing that dawned on me this week, was that I am sick of the overload of information about what you should and shouldn't do, eat and shouldn't eat, what kind of delivery you want etc, etc about being pregnant. Yes, there are things that need to be taken into account, but at the same time, being pregnant is a wonderful time of being a living, breathing incubator, for a very special person that will become part of your life, for the rest of your life, and you have to be careful during this time, but to avoid any manner of anything, just in case, is going overboard. Then you may as well just lie in bed for the entire time, and become a blob. Let's just say that all that came from feeling totally overwhelmed with the information overload and also being sick of the information overload. So I have decided not to research everything possible, and stay as healthy as I can, enjoy the pregnancy, and not let the rest of the world take the joy away from what I am experiencing.
Speaking of which, I read today that our baby is about 190g now, and apparently very active (surprise, surprise). I am waiting to feel the first flutters, which they say you can start to feel from about now... 18 weeks... but, if I don't feel anything, then I will just continue to be happy.
Well, that brings to an end this writers block edition of Happy Day. Hope you enjoyed the chit chat, as opposed to exciting stories. Till next time!
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why they call it the present."
~Eleanor Roosevelt~
~Eleanor Roosevelt~
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