Monday 3 September 2007

Of hammocks and accidents

This weekend....
Friday evening was fun, I got to meet my brothers girlfriend, while we were at Boogie's Diner in Umhlanga, being entertained by an imitation (albeit fairly good) Elvis. A lovely lady, and we seemed to get on well enough. The dinner was great, and I think I was the only one... no Boet also finished, so we finished the HUGE meal.  The best part was the strawberry milkshake afterwards though.
On Saturday we went to the Brown's School annual fete, which was busy, crowded, and not terribly exciting, but then I wasn't there to buy anything, but just to see, and the problem was there were queue's for the most interesting places, so that wasn't fun.  For the rest of the afternoon though, Paul put my hammock up for me, and I was in heaven.  Lazing outside on the patio, with the budgies going barmy hanging from the roof above.  The sun was warm, eventually too hot, but it was so comforting, and relaxing.  There was only one problem... the tension headache I had that nothing could be done for...  The painkillers I normally use can't be taken now.  But, I still enjoyed being outside in the warmth.
On Sunday we had an early start again at church, but the day was lovely anyway.  We went home and had lunch and then got a call from some friends who were going to Giba Gorge (mountain biking park).  So off we went there, and met them.  Sean and Paul went for a round on the BMX track, and Josh Sean's son came to say that his dad had fallen, and Josh was upset about it.  When Sean eventually came back from the track, he had a horrible gash on his knee, and said that he thought stitches were necessary.  So Cindy rushed him to hospital, and he ended up being admitted overnight as there was some specialised surgery required.  I spent the afternoon baby sitting the children at the park.  I was just grateful Paul was there as well, and he took some of the older kids for rides in the park, so that I only had 3 to look after.  It certainly wasn't a terrible experience.  Rachel helped a lot keeping the other two busy.  Then Cindy came back to fetch the children and then we were off to church again.  After church we had dinner with our friends the Botha's and then up this hill home again.
Other stuff from the weekend....
My stomach is finally starting showing a little, the bump is growing :)
We set a new record in my car... we managed to do 640.4 km on a tank of petrol, and when we filled up, the light still hadn't come on, and they only put 41.1 litres of fuel into the car... I don't know that they filled it properly though...
(This is from before the weekend but definitely bears mentioning) On the 30th August I felt Cygnet move for the first time.  It also said hello Mom this morning with 2 little kicks, I almost missed them...

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.

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