Monday, 18 February 2008

Hot days and screaming babies

OK, today's entry is going to be more a collection of snippets than a long story. Right now I have about 20 minutes to get something going before it is time to get Chloe up from her beauty sleep for a feed and then hopefully I can get going with the shopping I need to do... However this morning the washing machine decided that it would break down, and now I have to wait for Craig to come and have a look at the machine, but the initial over the phone prognosis was pretty bad. Possibly that the drum on the machine has snapped... not a great time for this to happen really. But, what can I do.

Overheard: "My episiotomy stitches tore after the second day and they said that they don't restitch them any more." Eish!

6:30 am hair cutting sessions
This morning while Chloe was still sleeping from her very early in the morning (the birds were singing outside though), Paul and I cut his hair. I say we did it, as he did the initial chop it all off with the clippers and then I had to tidy it up with scissors, so by the end of it he looked pretty good, and his hair was certainly a lot neater than it was before we started. But, have you ever heard of trimming your hair before work as part of your ablutions... Except of course if you are my brother who shaves his head weekly at least!

The aviary
Well, at the moment we are waiting for the mesh for the aviary to arrive from Cape Town. I am hoping that it will get here today, as Paul paid for it n Tuesday last week and was expecting it on Friday already. I think if I had the guys number I would have followed up already to say where is the tracking number I want to know where the parcel is. But, I have left it alone, as I don't think that he would like me to interfere at the moment and he is stressed out enough at work today.

Hot days and screaming babies (in the car)
On Saturday we decided to get out the house for the afternoon and went to visit Inanda Dam, which was pleasant enough. The shady spots were nice and cool and when we got there the wind wasn't blowing very hard, but it got progressively worse (in my books, Paul said there was no wind, but then he was looking at it from a wind surfing perspective). I am not a big fan of wind though, it blows my hair into my face, and irritates me, and I think that Chloe was picking up on these dislike vibes, as well as just being in a completely new environment, and started getting niggly, which only added to my stress levels, and my already splitting headache. It was a pleasant enough outing in the beginning, but by the time we decided to pack up and leave, we had a screaming baby which no one could console. Thank goodness I managed to soothe her at home though, and she had her bath and I fed her comfortably and then sat with her in the cool bedroom in the near dark with "Majors for Minors" playing softly in the background.

Then on Sunday we took the plunge and took her to church for the first time, which ended up in pretty much the same way, except I had managed to express some milk before we had left so I was able to feed her in the car when we were outside the shops while Paul ran in. The milk was a life saver, but wasn't enough to satisfy her so when we got home I had to excuse myself from our visitors and feed her... but that didn't stop the niggles till she fell asleep a little later. She had been so hot in the car, I know, she lost a lot of fluid through perspiration.

They weren't kidding when they said that the first 2 weeks are hell....
Need I say more, I have never suffered from sleep deprivation, bladder infection, temperatures reaching 40.5 C, rapid weight loss, extreme perspiration, uncontrollable hormones which have you in a ball of tears at the drop of a hat, and complete feelings of being out of control and not knowing what is wrong with the precious bundle that is screaming her lungs out because she has a need.

Chloe is 2 weeks old today!!!!!!

I have just had the easiest feed and nappy change ever! OK, so she was sleeping, but I never said that it had to be while she was awake!

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