Tuesday, 13 May 2008

An update on Chloe

Chloe has been doing so well at school, and I can't believe the amazing development only one week has made. She is definitely a child who needs lots of stimulation. She went from not really being interested in toys to holding them and playing with them. The other development was a runny nose which gets so blocked at night that the poor baby can't breathe properly and wakes up all upset. I took her to the homeopath yesterday and she has given me some drops which should clear her nose up by Thursday. I knew it was inevitable that she would get something at some stage, but I think the worst part of her being sick is there is nothing that I can do to really help, she can't blow her nose (they only manage that from about 4 years of age, or so I have read), the saline that we spray in her nose, helps to some degree, but it isn't a lasting solution and well, the sleep deprivation doesn't help me much either. I will have to wait and see how she has been today. I know that she was sneezing out a whole bunch of snot, which is good, because then it is coming out but at the same time, it means that there is still a lot in there. I guess the drops must be working though, because she wasn't sneezing like this before, and the Doc did say that it would clear out her nose. I guess I didn't think that it would do so with sneezing.

Chloe has also had a sudden growth spurt. I know this because clothes which fit her last week no longer do. I was trying to put on a pair of leggings and they just wouldn't get to her waist, in fact only half way up her bottom, so she has put on some length. I would be interested to know how long she is now. I am sure I can wait another week, she has to go for her next set of jabs on Friday next week. It is a sad thing, knowing that she will be feeling miserable and sore afterwards. But, at least I know the vaccines are ones which work.

I received a note from school to say that there was a strain of Meningitis doing the rounds in Pietermaritzburg, and that we should get the babies vaccinated, and after 2 days of trying to contact my paed, he was away on business, he confirmed that I needn't fork out the money for the vaccine, as it doesn't work. Go figure. Sometimes you have to wonder why they make them when they don't know that they really work. A comment from the receptionist there was that they hadn't given that vaccine in ages. At least I know that I can trust him. This man is really passionate about babies and their health, so I think that I have an amazing paed.

Well that is all for now. Till the next post.

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