Thursday, 19 June 2008


Yesterday, I was beside myself with excitement.  I had an idea for making a bonnet for Chloe.  I have been trying to crochet a beanie for a week now and just getting more and more frustrated with every round crocheted.  But then, I was hit with an epiphany for making the bonnet, and it was SO easy.  2 squares sewn together along 2 sides and edged, with some ribbon to tie it on, and viola we have a bonnet.  I was dying to wake her up to try it on, but managed to hold myself back, and tried it on this morning.  In fact she wore it to school this morning.  I do admit that it is a little too small, but it's easy enough to make bigger ones.  Add more rounds to the granny square!

Now to teach Sandy how to make them :o)

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