Friday, 1 August 2008

6 months is looming

It is with shock and amazement that I write this post.  On Monday the 4th August, Chloe will be 6 months old!!! Where has the time flown?  Which step 2 formula to use????

It has been an interesting few months with Chloe being at school, and seemingly sick since starting there, and yet it has been an amazing time in my life as well.  I have as you know started a new job, and although I am still very much in the deep water of a huge backlog of work, I think that there is some light at the end of the tunnel, although I think that there is some work that is there, but not noticeable as Ruth has it with her, and I have to get it from her when I am done with the pile that I am busy with.

Chloe is developing in every way possible by the day, although int he last few days she hasn't been sleeping well.  But, I have a plan, more food during the day and that should hopefully help with the night times.  I had to reduce the amount of milk I sent to school the last few weeks as she wasn't eating anyway, because she wasn't well.  But, Gloria said that she is eating well again and I decided that it would be a great idea (with a little help from an email I received on how to get baby sleeping better at night).  She is eating solids already, and tonight was banana and cereal mixed together to give a nice mocha coloured porridge, which she ate well.  So I think that was a hit.  She also gobbles down her veggies at school and on the weekends she loved them too.  Especially sweet potato and apple mixed together.  I tasted it and it tasted pretty good.  Anyway, I have also learnt that feeding Chloe is an art in timing.  You have to time it just right otherwise you can forget her eating.  Although, some enticement with a chicken drumstick bone does help get the spoon in the mouth with the food, it's just a race to see who gets to her mouth first, her or me.
The chicken bone story.... We were visiting Paul's father, and we had chicken for lunch and I decided to see what Chloe would do with the chicken bone, as she has been chewing everything in site, and well... it was an instant hit.  She must have gummed the thing for about half an hour, and I managed to feed her at the same time, as before that she wasn't interested in any food.

Being a mom is an amazing  experience, filled with laughs and tears.  Just today I wanted to cry twice.  This morning when dropping off Chloe, one of the other babies was crying because she wanted mommy and not to stay at school, and I was very emotional, remembering how I was worried that Chloe wouldn't survive even one day at school (she's thriving by the way), and then this afternoon, when I was fetching Chloe one of the mom's was fetching her son, and she had him stripped down to his nappy and he was running a terrible fever, and they suspected that he would be admitted to hospital, so she was rushing him off, after he had been running a temperature almost all day.  The scary thing is that she had taken him to the GP this morning with a temperature and the Dr said that there was nothing wrong with him.  The poor child didn't even want to be touched.  Hopefully I find out how he is doing tomorrow.

Chloe has reached the 8kg mark and is still growing, and gaining weight as well.  She isn't as chubby as she was before, as she is getting longer, but every now and then I look at her and think how small she still really is.  Although when she is stretched out on the floor playing she is quite long.

Anyway, that is about all the news for now...
Kim xxx

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