Thursday, 28 June 2007

Oh Happy Day…

I have decided that I am going to post this on my blog, and see who reads this…
Paul and I are expecting! Yay, yay, yay! The estimated due date is 1st February 2008 but as things with pregnancy go, that could change, and from what I have been told it changed regularly with visits to the gynae.

The story goes… While we were on holiday (yes I have been holding out that long) I suspected at first, and then the nausea and exhaustion seemed to confirm it. But, even though we knew that it was a distinct possibility, Paul still made me climb the HUGE mountain, up the chain ladders and everything. Lets just say, I kinda set the pace a bit. Anyway, with all the driving around Kruger, I discovered that I didn’t like passenger-ing in the car much, and it aggravated the nausea, and by the end of the holiday I was OVER being in the car.

The Saturday of our return we made a bee-line for the path lab, and they confirmed what I already knew, and gave me the thumbs up, saying that the test was positive. Of course we sort of roughly worked out how far along I was, and then when I got back to work, jumped onto the internet and did a due date calculation, which put us at 1 February 2008. Now there was one small hiccup in the whole excitement story, and that was we couldn’t tell anyone as Paul’s father was (and still is) in Spain on holiday. So, every time we saw the other folks I had to try very hard not to turn green when smells didn’t agree with me, and when I was so tired I could sleep at the dinner table. But, thank goodness for Father’s Day! Dad phoned from Spain for us, and we gave him the good news, which delighted him to no end of course. (This was on Comrades day so exhaustion was knocking on my door already) Then we shot across to Paul’s Mom’s so that we could let them know, and give Rob his Father’s Day prezzie, and they were stoked, with Kath (Paul’s sister) being the most excited. Luckily she was on the phone so volume control was available (chuckle). Then we shot across to wait to see Rob running through Pinetown, and down to Musgrave to give my folks the great news, and have a bit to eat, before I fell over from starvation, and then off to the end of Comrades. Of course all the stress of waiting for Rob made the nausea even worse, but I was so happy to see him at the end.

It has been an alright first time around, and I think that I have come off lightly, with no actual morning sickness, but I did get the short end of the stick when it comes to sinuses. They have been terrible, and causing such a bad cough that I haven’t been sleeping well. I have tried everything that I could think of, and even went to see the doc about it so he could help, but the stuff he gave me, couldn’t even dent the problem. THEN… the dreaded cold, which I am just starting to improve from today. I have NEVER felt so miserable (that I can remember) as I have in the last 3-4 days. It started on Sunday, mostly in the evening, and by Monday morning I was a basket case. I came to work, and asked to leave early because I wasn’t coping. By Tuesday I couldn’t sit for more than 5 minutes without being in complete agony, caused by a runny nose and eyes that were competing for the “most dehydration through eyes” competition. I came to work again yesterday, and mixed with some extreme emotions from being preg, and feeling terrible I was not any good here, but I stayed till the end. Then I went to see Uncle Rob, and he gave me some decongesting inhaling drops which have helped immensely and I am feeling quite a lot better today. I am not 100% but I think with prayers and decongestant drops I am getting there. Also it is day 4 of the cold, and they normally last 5-6 days anyway.

In the midst of all the preg and before getting this cold, I lost a budgie. Poor Baby G died, from what I think was gastro, and I gave Deacon away to a friend who could house him better in a 6 foot (I think) tank with Oscar. So, hopefully I will get some new goldfish soon, who will be more comfortable in the small tank.

Well that is me….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Biscuit. Sneaky, i think that's the word. Congratulations.
Well done, the both of you. Hope all continues well.