Friday, 17 August 2007

The funny things I have heard during my pregnancy... so far....

I had to post these strange things that people come up with during pregnancy... Things you should and shouldn't do.

~ Don't walk too fast. I was told I was walking too hard on my feet. My question is, what will happen, is the baby going to fall out or something?
~ Don't eat too much bread, it will give you a yeast infection. Still can't figure that one out. I'd imagine if I ate four loaves of bread that may happen. But four slices a day won't harm me...
~ I was told to take my belly ring out as it is poking the baby. How does it do that???
~ Don't fold my hands across tummy, it'll squash the baby. OK, it gets uncomfortable, but it's not detrimental.
~ You can't fall pregnant while breast feeding. This was priceless. One of the ladies a friend knows said this... while being pregnant with her fourth child in as many years... I think the theory is flawed.
~ Your baby is going to look like the person you fight the most with while pregnant. Priceless!
~ I can't hang the washing, if the umbilical cord is around the baby's neck it will get strangled. I can believe this in later stages, but not before 12 weeks....
~ I was shouted at for sitting on the floor. Most comfortable place to sit I recon.
~ And my favorite...Are my organs feeling squashed? I'm carrying small at the moment, in fact, some of the ladies here at the office are upset with me, because at 4 months my belly is still smaller than theirs. Someone asked me if my insides were feeling squashed at all. I feel pretty normal, no feeling of constriction really. A friend said...(jokingly of course) maybe the child is an introvert!
~ Oh, and the last one... so far... If you drink Coca-Cola while you are pregnant you are sure to have a baby who suffers from colic. Now, explain that to the mothers who had zero cola while pregnant, and still had children with colic, and to the mother's who craved the stuff during pregnancy and had no colic problems at all.
~ Don't eat ice or drink cold water, it will make the baby cold and it will catch a cold... (added 04/09/2007)
~ Drinking coke and similar products will make your baby come out black / brown (added 04/09/2007)

As I hear more I'll post them. It only seems right that everyone should enjoy the laughs!

1 comment:

Gareth said...

These are Priceless, I just gotto ask, how the heck do deople get through life believing this NONSENCE...I ask you really...LoL