Tuesday 25 September 2007

What a weekend!

I had such a wonderfully relaxing time, it felt like time had stood still for a while, the long weekend did help with that as well. 
On Friday night (which feels like such a long time ago) we had my brother and his lovely lady around for a braai, and that was a wonderful evening (apart for the dishes that needed washing afterwards), and it was good to be in a quieter environment, where we could chat and not have to compete with fake Elvis'.
On Saturday we had more time to relax, although Paul had to go to work a few times, and I went shopping for anniversary pressies for him.  I felt exhausted from the "exertion" of shopping, never a favourite past time I must confess.  But, I did find the "perfect" gift and some other little bits and bobs to add to it.  Then after a snooze in the afternoon Paul took me for a walk around the neighbourhood, just for some exercise, so that I could get some.  I don't like walking around alone on the streets... you never know what could happen.  Then I sewed another wrap skirt with my favourite fabric of the lot that I bought the other day, and I was very impressed with the skirt.  I totally went on an idea in my head and it worked very well, and uses less fabric than the pattern that I have and fits better, with "room-to-grow", and will "shrink" again when I have had Cygnet.  Then it was off to the Westville Civic Centre for a show called Cosmopolitan, which was an event to raise funds for The Dream Centre, which is an AIDS help centre, who receive very little funding from the government, but still manage to get through.  The show was brilliant, and although I was completely exhausted by the end of it, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Sunday started well, with church early because Paul was playing int he band.  Then we went home again, and had his mother over for some lunch and a visit.  Then it was off to the B&B that I had organised, thanks to Andrew (the owner), and we had a wonderful evening.  If there was ever a place to stay I would have to say Ntengu Lodge is the place.  The room was exquisite, and we had such a relaxing time.  For it's proximity to the town of Westville it felt like we were in the middle of nowhere, far from civilisation, and yet pampered.  We went to dinner at Woodcutters which was delicious, and then off to sleep.
On Monday morning, after exchanging gifts, Andrew treated us to an amazing breakfast, which Paul said was the best he has ever had.  We were really relaxed after the evening, and the quiet morning, away from the hub-hub of life.  We decided to take a trip up from Ntengu to the new shopping centre in Hillcrest, which was quite nice, and the shops were all well stocked.  I think that it would be a nice place to stop on the way to visit folks, and we found some very nice gift ideas while there.  Christmas is on it's way you know.  Then we stopped for some tea and scones on the way home.  We had a quiet afternoon which was lovely.  I must say that I feel very relaxed after this weekend.  Almost didn't want to come back to work, but if life was this relaxed all the time, there would be nothing to look forward to.
Well, that's all folks!

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.



Wednesday 19 September 2007

A Mother's Prayer

I prayed for this child... now I give him to the Lord.
1 Samuel 1:27-28 NIV

Mum, here's a prayer for you to pray: "Lord, help me to give my children the best - not of things, but of myself, cherishing them on good days and bad, theirs and mine. Teach me to accept them for who they are, not just for what they do; to listen to what they say, if only so they'll listen to me; to encourage their goals, not mine. Let me give them a home where respect and integrity are the cornerstones, and there's enough happiness to raise the roof. May I give them the courage to be true to themselves; the independence to take care of themselves, and the faith to believe in You. May I discipline them without demeaning them, demand good manners without forgetting my own, and let them know they have limitless love no matter what they do. Let me feed them properly, clothe them adequately, and have enough to give them small allowances - not for the work they do, but the pleasure they bring. Let me be moderate in all these things, so that the joy of getting will help them discover the joy of giving. See that their responsibilities are real but not burdensome, that my expectations are high but not overwhelming, and that my praise is thoughtful and given when it's due. Help me to teach them that excellence is work's real reward. And when it comes - let me revel in each honour, however small, without once pretending that it's mine - my children are glories enough. Above all, let me ground them so well in Your truth that I can let them go. In Jesus' name, Amen!"

Tuesday 18 September 2007

The 20 week Scan

Today was the big 20 week scan where the doc checks to make sure that all is well with Baby, and well, Cygnet is really excelling at growing.   Doc was very happy with the progress.  It was so good to see Cygnet again, and it was fun to watch it move around and see how it has grown.   I know there are a number of groans from people wanting to know the gender, but again we have managed to avoid finding out :o)


The scans weren't terribly clear on the printouts, but a. shows the baby, with the spine being dominant, b. shows the arm as the dominant feature, and c. has the leg as the dominant feature.   All the measurements were healthy and brain, heart, kidneys and liver were all developing well.  Cygnet was very shy today though and refused to show it's face.


I know it's short but sweet, but time isn't on my side today.




For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.



Saturday 15 September 2007

The Law of Rubbish Bins

I received this on email today, and had to post it!!!!

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood? Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive colleague ruin your day? Of course, for an instant you will probably be set back on your heels. However, the mark of a happy & successful person is how quickly one can get one's focus back to what is important. I learned it in the back of a London black cab. Here's what happened.

I hopped in a taxi at the Bank and we took off for Moorgate tube Station. We had been driving about 200 yards when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches! Here's what happened next. The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and instead of apologising, started yelling bad words at us. Now, here's what took me by surprise. Instead of getting angry or annoyed, my taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. He was actually friendly towards the other man. I said, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call, 'The Law of the Rubbish Bins.'

"Many people are like rubbish bins. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their bin piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they will dump it straight on you. When someone wants to dump on you, do not take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. So this was it; The 'Law of the Rubbish Bins.'

I started thinking, how often do I let 'Rubbish bins' run right over me? And how often do I take their rubbish and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the streets. It was that very day I decided that I was not going to do it anymore. I then began to see be aware of rubbish bins. I see the load they are carrying. I see them coming to drop it off. And with the grace of our beloved Lord; I too have learnt just to smile, wave, wish them well, and move on.

How about you?

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13
If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box. http://www.kimswanphotography.co.za

Friday 14 September 2007


Yesterday, being the 13th September 2007, marked the halfway point in my pregnancy.   Woo Hoo!


A friend commented this morning that I swallowed a pea, and where is my baby.   But, the tum is starting to expand, and I am starting to fell like I look pregnant, and not just getting thicker around the waist.  Cygnet is a lot more active these days and Paul was able to feel the kicks without me telling him where they were, which delighted him immensely.


Over and above this great achievement, we are having a lot of rain, which most people would attribute to Spring arriving in our sunny country, but I think it is because I have now successfully sewn 3 tops, and a pair of pants and have worn them, in public :o) My mother keeps telling me that I should sew more as we need the rain.   So I will be going shopping for more fabric this weekend, and will make a few more tops.  And I guess one or two more pairs of pants will do.   However, I have been looking at how easy wrap around skirts are to make, and this weekend Pat has said that she would help me to make a pattern so that I can make some.   This morning I was looking at the bought one that I have and it is really so simple to make.  The hardest part would be to make the darts, but they aren't actually that difficult.   So, I have to take it with me when I go shopping on Saturday and I'll try to get some of the same fabric, as it is such a soft, pretty, just-meant-to-be-worn fabric.   The other plus is that they can grow with me, and when I have had the baby, they can shrink again too!  Let's hope they have the fabric…


Today was also quite exciting, as I discovered a beautiful camp site down the south coast at Scottburgh, which I think would be lovely to spend a weekend at with the friends.   And it isn't too far away so we could get there on a Friday evening and then spend the weekend there.  I have emailed the details to Trace and she was as excited about it as I was. So we will be planning a camping trip soon.   I think that I have managed to get over the dread of camping.  Being a few weeks pregnant and camping isn't terrible fun, especially when the food range is limited and all you are craving is fresh veggies and fruit.   This trip, I will be prepared and take a lot with me, so that I can munch when the desire attacks.  Speaking of which, the Fruit and Veg guy that visits our office has just been, so I have stocked up the supplies so I can munch away happily.   I have quite a range now, bananas, oranges, naartjies, and apples.  Yum!  Baby just gave me a high five with excitement :o)


Well, that is me for now… Have a great weekend! God Bless

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.



Monday 10 September 2007

After the weekend....

Ok, so Friday last week was Casual Day in South Africa.  It is a day where the country buys stickers and can wear anything… some people go wacky, some dress casually as they are always dressed smart, and then you get the people who use the opportunity to try our fashions from other cultures… like me.   I managed to borrow a Punjabi from a friend and wore that for the day.  It was fun, and I am sure that I would like to wear one again, but after some investigation, it turns out that in order to get your own Punjabi made, you have to go to a dress maker, because there isn't a pattern available anywhere, due to the fact that each dressmaker has their own way of making them etc, etc…   So this weekend, I made a pattern from the top of the Punjabi, and hopefully I can make my own one, one day when I have the courage.


I had a busy weekend with my sewing and finished one top, and I have to hem one more, to have finished two.  By the time Paul got home last night, he was so tired that we went to bed early, so the little I still had to do will wait till today to get finished.   I also found that using t-shirt material to make the tops works like a charm, as normal cotton type fabrics are too inflexible and make the edges very difficult to finish.   Plus… t-shirt, I find, is more comfortable.


On Saturday we decided to have a braai, and that we were going to do a whole chicken in the Weber.  So I went shopping and Paul was amazing in getting everything together on the evening, making sure that there were yummy, home made, focaccia's and the chicken was cooked to perfection.   We also did baby potatoes which he fried in garlic etc.  we had our neighbours, Jorge and Gitlyn over for the braai, so it was good fun.   It was also great to hook up with them, as we haven't for a while, and they are always looking out for us.


Just so you know… as I am writing this post, Cygnet is doing it's daily exercise and making my tum feel like I have some serious twitches in it… I love feeling it.


We went to visit Paul's father on Sunday as well, and it was good to relax and catch up with him.  Peggy was helping Cathy move and unpack so she wasn't there, but we still had fun.   We went to see Booby and Mags as well, because Paul wanted to see what the progress was on the boat, and my gosh, he has made some progress.  He and Paul chatted for ages about the engines, and the gen-set and all sorts of things on the boat, while Mags and I sat in the office and chatted about baby stuff.   What is really amazing is that Bobby is making this boat (and it isn't a small one) by himself, which they plan to take to France.  It runs on two diesel engines, and just to give you an idea, 4 people could sleep in it comfortably with a gully, and dining room etc.   The fuel tanks are ginormous as well.


Last night, Paul also felt Cygnet move for the first time.  I was lying down and I could feel it moving around.  So I tried to press on my tum to see if I could feel it from the outside, which I did, so I called him, and pressed with his hand, and he got kicked.   Very exciting.  He said that it was very soft to him, but from my side it felt like a hard one.  I suppose it had to be hard for Paul to be able to feel the kick.


Well, I guess that is me for the time  being…

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.



Thursday 6 September 2007

A sad day....

Famed opera tenor Luciano Pavarotti, who appeared on stage with singers as varied as opera star Dame Joan Sutherland, U2's Bono and Liza Minnelli, died Thursday after suffering from pancreatic cancer, his manager Terri Robson said in a statement. He was 71.
This is tragic news, and I felt very sad this morning.  We have a radio in our office as well, and the radio station played on of my favourite pieces that he did.  It was amazing. And yet, it was terrible to think that a great artist like that has been taken from us.  May he fill God's courts with beautiful music.
For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.



Tuesday 4 September 2007

Job Description for a Parent

This is hysterical.

If it had been presented this way, I don't believe any of us would have done it!!!!


Mom, Mommy, Mama, Ma

Dad, Daddy, Dada, Pa, Pop


Long term, team players needed, for challenging permanent work in an, often chaotic environment.

Candidates must possess excellent communication and organizational skills and be willing to work variable hours, which will include evenings and weekends and frequent 24 hour shifts on call.

Some overnight travel required, including trips to primitive camping sites on rainy weekends and endless sports tournaments in far away cities! Not to forget the Doctor, Travel expenses not reimbursed.

Extensive courier duties also required.


The rest of your life.

Must be willing to be hated, at least temporarily, until someone needs MONEY!.

Must be willing to bite tongue repeatedly.

Also, must possess the physical stamina of a pack mule and be able to go from zero to 100 kmh in three seconds flat in case, this time, the screams from the backyard are not someone just crying wolf.

Must be willing to face stimulating technical challenges, such as small gadget repair, mysteriously sluggish toilets and stuck zippers.

Must maintain multiple homework projects.

Must be willing to be indispensable one minute, an embarrassment the next.

Must handle assembly and product safety testing of a half million cheap, plastic toys, and battery operated devices.

Must always hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.



Your job is to remain in the same position for years, without complaining, constantly retraining and updating your skills, so that those in your charge can ultimately surpass you.


None required unfortunately.

On-the-job training offered on a continually exhausting basis.


Get this! You pay them!

Offering frequent raises and bonuses.

A balloon payment is due when they turn 18 because of the assumption that college will help them become financially independent.

When you die, you give them whatever is left.

The oddest thing about this reverse-salary scheme is that you actually enjoy it and wish you could only do more.


While no health or dental insurance, no pension, no tuition reimbursement, no paid holidays and no stock options are offered; this job supplies limitless opportunities for personal growth and free hugs and kisses for life if you play your cards right.

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13


Sugar and Spice and all things nice....

Last night, we decided to go and visit Sean in hospital... yes, he's still there after his accident on Sunday at Giba.  On the way we stopped to get some ice-cream.  While we were waiting to be served, a little boy started running towards what I thought was the door.  He tripped and fell, so I was expecting water works, and for him to run back to mom, but not a sausage.  The child jumped up with a grin from ear to ear, and ran straight to me and hugged me.  Now, let me reiterate, I have never seen the child in my life, and probably will never see him again.  But it was an amazing feeling.  He was so excited to see me, and his mother was quite embarrassed at her son's impulsive behaviour.  Now all the old wives say... You're having a girl... But, the proof is in the pudding, and we will all have to wait until the end of January to find out what Cygnet is.

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13


Monday 3 September 2007

Of hammocks and accidents

This weekend....
Friday evening was fun, I got to meet my brothers girlfriend, while we were at Boogie's Diner in Umhlanga, being entertained by an imitation (albeit fairly good) Elvis. A lovely lady, and we seemed to get on well enough. The dinner was great, and I think I was the only one... no Boet also finished, so we finished the HUGE meal.  The best part was the strawberry milkshake afterwards though.
On Saturday we went to the Brown's School annual fete, which was busy, crowded, and not terribly exciting, but then I wasn't there to buy anything, but just to see, and the problem was there were queue's for the most interesting places, so that wasn't fun.  For the rest of the afternoon though, Paul put my hammock up for me, and I was in heaven.  Lazing outside on the patio, with the budgies going barmy hanging from the roof above.  The sun was warm, eventually too hot, but it was so comforting, and relaxing.  There was only one problem... the tension headache I had that nothing could be done for...  The painkillers I normally use can't be taken now.  But, I still enjoyed being outside in the warmth.
On Sunday we had an early start again at church, but the day was lovely anyway.  We went home and had lunch and then got a call from some friends who were going to Giba Gorge (mountain biking park).  So off we went there, and met them.  Sean and Paul went for a round on the BMX track, and Josh Sean's son came to say that his dad had fallen, and Josh was upset about it.  When Sean eventually came back from the track, he had a horrible gash on his knee, and said that he thought stitches were necessary.  So Cindy rushed him to hospital, and he ended up being admitted overnight as there was some specialised surgery required.  I spent the afternoon baby sitting the children at the park.  I was just grateful Paul was there as well, and he took some of the older kids for rides in the park, so that I only had 3 to look after.  It certainly wasn't a terrible experience.  Rachel helped a lot keeping the other two busy.  Then Cindy came back to fetch the children and then we were off to church again.  After church we had dinner with our friends the Botha's and then up this hill home again.
Other stuff from the weekend....
My stomach is finally starting showing a little, the bump is growing :)
We set a new record in my car... we managed to do 640.4 km on a tank of petrol, and when we filled up, the light still hadn't come on, and they only put 41.1 litres of fuel into the car... I don't know that they filled it properly though...
(This is from before the weekend but definitely bears mentioning) On the 30th August I felt Cygnet move for the first time.  It also said hello Mom this morning with 2 little kicks, I almost missed them...

For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. Phil 4:13

If you're having trouble thinking out the box, then you're probably in the wrong box.

