Well, after the ordeal of having our car stolen we are going through the process of deciding what car we should get for me now, and so far the Spark LT seems to be getting to the top of the pile. I was thinking about it and it would be a good option, as I have always had a thing for small (matchbox) sized cars, and well here is the opportunity. I reckon if they weren't as old as they are I would love a Mini, but the original one not the new super duper ones.
At the moment I am also going through the ordeal of trying to get labels to print for the apparel in the stores and not having much joy, so the techies are looking into it on the JHB side, but that isn't making life any less stressful. However, I am not going to let these small things get in the way of my joy, happiness or most importantly my faith, and I just need to keep reminding myself of this.
Some good news is the technician here has fixed the puncture in my tyre on the Clio. He said that there was a nail in it, so he has plugged the hole and hopefully that will be the last of the problems there for a while, till we have the tyres replaced...
I guess that the theft of the car wasn't the best timing in the world, but at the same time I am sure that the Lord will make the best of this situation, and we just have to have faith that He will continue to look after us everyday. Praise God that we weren't in the car when it was stolen, or that Chloe wasn't taken in a hijacking. We have so much to be grateful for.
1 comment:
keep strong my friend, it will all come right eventually.
Sands xxx
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