Tuesday 23 September 2008

A humbling experience

Yesterday, actually the story starts on Sunday...

So, On Sunday I had a bee in my bonnet and decided to make some meals for the week in my slow cookers. Awesome, or so I thought.
By the time we got to taste them , they were a huge flop and Paul didn't like them at all...
So, I put the "leftovers" which was almost all the food into containers, as Octavia, our domestic worker, was coming on Monday.
Anyway, I left her a not to say, please take the food, as I didn't want to throw it away, and I felt a little upset that I had wasted the money, or so I thought. I got an SMS from her to say thank you for the food, and that we had really blessed them as they had no food to eat and would have gone hungry last night. How awesome is God and the way he works?

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