Thursday 19 July 2007


Alright, so, I told you about the budgies, and the fact that I got a nest box for them… Since then, Baby G died, and I have still put the box into the cage, which is causing some issues… Baby Blue and Greenie are fighting over who should get the box, however, Blue Boy seems to think Baby Blue should get it, since he’s madly in love with her!

The pregnancy is progressing nicely and I am 12 weeks already! Can you believe it? The time is just flying by. My tum is starting to show now, and I’m looking forward to the next scan which is on Monday 23 July. I read a lot about the development of our lil one, and it is amazing the miracle that God performs, every day, creating a child from “nothing”. I am excited to say that I am also surrounded by friends who are amazing, with advice, and just to look up to as role models.

The wedding was amazing. The photo shoot went well, and Nicole saw the pictures yesterday and was bowled away. I was very relieved that she loves them, and Dad is helping out by allowing me to print a CD for her, to make it look lovely. It was an amazing experience. It’s weird to be at a wedding, but not to be involved in it, but to purposefully remove yourself and watch for reactions and events to capture them as timeless memories of one of the most special days of someone’s life. It was a privilege to be able to be in that position. Tomorrow I get to give Nicole the final product and I can’t wait.

Paul has been away for over a week now, and there are only 2 more sleeps till he gets back. I can’t wait! I have missed him terribly, and in the moments when the hormones kick in and I can’t keep from bawling my eyes out, I really wished he was here, but I am sure that I will have plenty of TLC when he gets back. I hope I can sleep in Friday night with all the excitement of him getting back. I don’t think that he will be able to sleep much on the plane, so I will probably have a bit of a zombie for a husband on Saturday.

Please keep my in your prayers, as I am hoping to have my photography at a stage where I earn enough through it, to be able to stay home with our baby. I know that God can do this for me, and I am trusting that He will provide.

1 comment:

Axel Sigur Starviking said...

I believe you will, God knows the desires of our hearts and he is quick to provide the answers.

love you Kim
