feel like they have raced by, and yet it feels like such a long time
since she was born. It's amazing, I remember the moment that she was
born, I remember holding her for the first time, and yet I have
forgotten what it felt like to feel the contractions, without the
epidural. This evening I was thinking about the time in hospital,
thinking about the last time that I had a solid night sleep, and now
thinking about the whole new ball game I have on my hands with solids
starting, and with the clinic book that I have saying that now that
Chloe is having 3 solid meals a day, she shouldn't have any more night
feeds. Now, you try to tell a 6 month old baby who still can't say more
than "baba", that she can't have any more feeds at night. Anyway, I am
taking her for a check up on Tuesday to make sure that the ear
infections that she has been getting have cleared up properly, so I will
check with the dear doctor to find out his take on the matter.
Personally I don't think that you can just do that. I think I will also
post a question on my favourite forum, and see what the other mothers
have to say about it. I must say that it is the first time I have ever
seen any literature like that. I checked the other books that I have
and none of them said anything of the sort.
Our poor little sausage is battling a lot... She has been crying a lot
today, and I know it is her gums as when I put the Teejel on it helps
for about 5 minutes and then it is sore again. I had to give her Panado
eventually, which only helped for a little while as well. Anyway, she
eventually went to sleep, but her gums are looking a little white, which
isn't normal, so I think that the teeth are moving closer to the
surface. It was fun to see her eating a boudoir biscuit, well gumming
it and getting it everywhere, and I must say that the inventor of them
was very clever, as they tend to disappear into almost nothing. I think
the pain was so bad for her today, that even her toys weren't an
enticement. This afternoon, I was having flashbacks to when she still
had colic, and I had to carry her around all afternoon, and when she is
8kg as opposed to 4kg's it can get a little tiring on the back. But,
some gel from my chiro has helped somewhat.
Well that is me...
1 comment:
aww, poor little thing. It's definitely a design flaw that they have to be in so much pain when they're so small.
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